How do I change time zones for my countdown timer?

The time zone of the configuration (Start and End time)

When creating or editing a Countdown Timer Bar, the app always shows you your computer/browser's time zone. So if you live in EST and you create a bar, the time zone you set for that bar's configuration will be EST. If someone else (say, a colleague) who lives in a different time zone tries to edit your bar, they will see it configured based on their time zone.

If you want to configure the bar based on a different timezone from your own, you can simply adjust the time accordingly. So if you want to show the bar starting on August 1st at 3 PM PST but you live in EST (3 hours ahead), you would target 6 PM.

The time zone of the daily countdown (if using Daily Timer)

For the Daily timer, you can select either the customer's local time or your local time for the timezone. This timer uses the computer's time to display the bar.

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