Targeting: Pages •

By default, the Countdown Timer Bar will be displayed on all pages of your store. The Page Targeting feature allows you to control on which pages the Countdown Timer Bar will or will not be displayed.


The Countdown Timer Bar cannot be displayed on the checkout page.

On This Page:

Homepage Only

If you want the Countdown Timer Bar to be displayed only on your store's homepage, select the Homepage option under Select pages.

Product Pages Only

If you want the Countdown Timer Bar to be displayed only on product pages, select the Product pages option under Select pages.

Additionally, you can choose to display the bar only on selected products by choosing them individually, by collection, or by tags.

Only on Page With URL

If you want the Countdown Timer Bar to be displayed on one specific page, enter the URL of that page in the provided text field.

An easy way to do this is to head over to the page you want to target on your store, copy its URL and then paste the URL in the text box indicated above.

Copying the URL.
Pasting the URL in the app.


You can only target one URL using this option. If you need to target multiple pages, use the keyword targeting method instead.

Only Pages That Contain the Keyword in Their URLs

If you would like to target multiple pages, you can use this keyword option instead. In this field, you can enter keywords, and if a page URL contains any of the specified keywords, the bar will be displayed.

Example #1

If you want the bar to display on all pages with summer in the URLs, you would simply enter the keyword summer, like so:

This would result in the bar displaying on all three of these pages:

If summer is in any part of the URL, the bar will qualify to display on that page.

You can enter multiple keywords if you like and simply separate them by a comma:


If you want the bar to display only on these two pages:

Enter the URL paths (the part after ".com", ".ca", etc.) separated by a comma:

Multiple Targeting Options

You can also enable multiple targeting options at once. The Countdown Timer Bar will then be displayed on all of the selected options. For example, the following targeting configuration would set the bar to display only on the homepage and collection pages.

Excluding Pages

The Exclude bar from option works similarly, but it ensures that the bar does not display on specific pages. For example, to ensure the bar does not display on the homepage, you would set it like this:

This will display the bar on all pages except the homepage. Follow the same approach for other pages you want to exclude.

With the logic above, you can select whether to include or exclude the bar on certain pages.

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