Timer Styles

Countdown Timer Bar has 4 styles of timers to choose from, as well as the option to not show any timer.

1. Flip clock

This timer simulates an analog clock with number cards flipping down.


Timer Labels:

You can choose to display or omit the timer labels. You can also select the language for the labels.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 2.32.52 PM.png


You can set the color of the timer background as well as the color of the number.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.01.41 PM.png

The timer label color will be the same as the color of the text in the message.

2. Plain numbers

This timer provides a minimalist design. No frames around the numbers and no animations.



This timer style allows you to turn labels on and off, as well as customize the labels to be displayed.


You can set the color of the number as well as the colon separator.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.21.11 PM.png


By default, this timer will use the same font as the message text. But you can check the box to use different fonts for the message and the timer.

3. Square tiles

This timer frames the numbers with a rounded square tile. The lack of animations offers a minimalist look.



This timer style allows you to turn labels on and off, as well as customize the labels to be displayed.


You can set the color of the square tiles. There is the option of using a gradient color, with one color being set to the top and the other set to the bottom.

You can also set the color for the timer numbers and the colon separators.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.48.27 PM.png


By default, this timer will use the same font as the message text. But you can check the box to use different fonts for the message and the timer.

4. Circle tiles

This timer frames the numbers with a circle tile. The lack of animation offers a minimalist look.



This timer style allows you to turn labels on and off, as well as customize the labels to be displayed.


You can set the color of the circle tiles. There is the option of using a gradient color, with one color being set to the top and the other set to the bottom.

You can also set the color for the timer numbers and the colon separators.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 4.14.24 PM.png


By default, this timer will use the same font as the message text. But you can check the box to use different fonts for the message and the timer.

5. None - hide timer

This option allows you to use the bar without displaying a timer. This can be helpful if you would like to make use of the app's scheduling functionality to display regular message (without a timer). 

Simply select None - hide timer to display a message without a timer.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 4.30.51 PM.png

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